The Forest Cathedral
No Current Dates Scheduled because of COVID-19 restrictions.
(Dates subject to change – please call 408-605-1687.)
On several Sunday mornings we will take to the forests for a Christian Sunday Morning Worship experience. This event is open to anyone who would like to experience or learn about Christian worship.

Your awareness of the natural world will expand as your senses open to the interconnected world of Creation which surrounds and enfolds you. You will experience God in Creation. You will be opened to receive the miracles of Creation as blessing and to return your blessing to the creatures and plants that surround you as you give thanksgiving and praise to God the Creator in the power of the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus the Cosmic Christ.
After a short hike into the forest cathedral we will find an isolated grove that will serve as our cathedral. Here we will celebrate a special service of Holy Communion. Besides holy scripture we will also open the book of nature and experience the presence of the Holy Spirit in the great Creation that surrounds us. The sermon will be provided through this inspiration as you learn a special form of Christian Nature Meditation.
The gifts of the earth – bread & wine – will then be offered and through the action of the prayer and Holy Spirit will become our spiritual food as we dwell within the Cosmic Christ and the Cosmic Christ dwells within us. Through this communion we are united within the mystical web of the Communion of the Saints that brings alive on the spiritual level the ecological web of life that sustains our physical life.
Dress for the woods. Bring something to sit comfortably on the ground. Bring liquids and a bag lunch with food to share with the group.
Reservations are required for this event and a donation of $25 per working adult is suggested. Students and non-employed people are free. Call/text EcoChaplain Roger Wharton at 408-605-1687 to register or for additional information.