Day Hikes are scheduled from time to time. This is an opportunity to just get outdoor and explore the wonders of nature. Time for rest and relaxation along with the opportunity to learn some nature awareness techniques. Dates will be posted as soon as COVID-19 regulations permit. Free for students suggested donation of $25 for other folks. Inquire for dates by calling/texting 408-605-1687.
Forest Cathedral is a special Sunday program for those who are on a Christian spiritual path or who wish to learn something about this path. We meet at a park for a short hike, nature awareness training, Holy Communion often in a redwood grove or some other natural place, and shared lunch and leisurely walk out. Free for students. Suggest donation of $25 for other folks None are scheduled at this time due to COVID-19 Regulations. Call/text 408-605-1687 for details.
NatureQuest is Nature Awareness Training and Vision Quests for men, women, couples, students, parent-and-youth teams on private California nature reserves.
Our personal lives are changing at an accelerated pace. Demands on our relationships and professional lives grow increasingly complex and stressful. We know that the impact will not go away. Most us are either too weary or too numb to realize consciously how disconnected we are from our inner selves, our families, our communities and from direct experience of Nature. Whether we believe we “have it made” or not, many of us sense we are off balance. We yearn to bring inner peace, spaciousness and serenity directly into our lives. A response from the core of our being is now required.
Increasingly, our culture is recognizing and integrating the transformative processes of meditation and ancient healing practices. We also appreciate that many of the world’s traditional spiritual paths have included solo time in Nature—Jesus spent 40 days alone in the wilderness; Buddha sat under the great Bodhi tree seeking enlightenment; and Black Elk went to the mountain for his vision quest.
EcoSpirit offers NatureQuests and other programs to help you realize the integration of your inner nature and the natural world. These courses will assist you to participate in a deepening communion with Nature as you begin to experience the ecological and spiritual connections to an individual ecosystem as well as the planetary Gaia system. As participants open their senses to the world around, blessings become a means of recognizing and appreciating the miracle of Creation.
Courage is required to embark on this personal rite of passage. It is not always easy to overcome resistance and leap into the unknown. The rewards of your commitment may surprise you.

Give yourself the gift of time in Nature.
Participate in the mystery of the natural world.
Open your heart to Nature’s radiance.
Learn Nature Wisdom and Sacred Ecology.
Explore your connections to Nature.
Be in Communion with Creation.
Awaken more of your 53 senses.
Weekend Nature Awareness Trainings with Vigil are on hold until the COVID-19 safety regulation permit group event. Retreat pricing for students is $40, working folks $256 – $144. If you are interest watch this page or contact EcoChaplain Roger and he will notify you when events are scheduled. Creative financing available. No one turned away for lack of funds. Inquire for additional dates by calling or texting 408-605-1687.
A Christian Nature Wisdom Retreat is on hold until the COVID-19 safety regulation permit group event. Many times the retreat takes place at the Bar-T Ranch retreat center three hours south of San Jose. This weekend will focus on the Christian Nature Wisdom tradition with Bible study, presentations, discussions, and outdoor experiences. You will learn to go to creation for rest, relaxation, and to open yourself to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Bible study will explore the outdoor prayer life of Jesus and his nature parables. The celebration of Holy Communion on Sunday will be one that you will remember for a long time as we experience being Christian in Communion with God in his Creation. Retreat pricing for students is $40, working folks $99 plus an opportunity to make an offering to continue this ministry. No one will be turned away for lack of money. Call or text EcoChaplain Roger 408-605-1687.
NatureQuest, a longer training which include at least a three day solo. There none currently scheduled at this time. Students $80. Working folks $555 – $256. Creative financing available. No one turned away for lack of funds. Inquire for additional dates by calling 408-605-1687.
Individual Educational Sessions and/or Body Work Sessions connecting body, spirit, and creation are available by individual appointment. Call/text 408-605-1687 for details.
Roger Wharton trained with John P. Milton who conducts Sacred Passages year round in various parts of the world. If you would like information on these programs, it can be found at:
The following articles will be of interest in finding out more about this type of retreat.
Find out about the Guide Roger Wharton
The Christian Nature Wisdom Tradition
Jonah and the Whale as a metaphor for vision quest
Bethlehem as Sacred Place: A Christian Understanding of Sacred Places