The Rev’d Dr. Roger Wharton
EcoChaplain for the Care of Creation
As the Valley of Heart’s Delight transformed into Silicon Valley it became very fast paced, multi-cultural and secular. A sense of place and purpose in life is often glossed over in the rush for riches, the attempts to stay competitive in the employment market or simply survive where the costs of living is so extremely high.
The Rev’d Dr. Roger Wharton, seeks to serve the needs of this valley by ministering to the people who may or may not have a spiritual community or church home and need the services of a trained pastor, minister or spiritual educator. The following are some the ways that I may be of service to you.
Celebrations of Marriages
Content about marriages goes here
Celebrations of Commitments to Love
As an out gay minister I am delighted to work with any couple who seeks to make a public statement of their committed love.
I have experience assisting couples in creating meaningful
ceremonies for themselves, their families and friends in church settings
and outdoor locations. I would be delighted to speak to you about your
ceremony and would be especially honored if choosen to celebrate your
Background Information for Roger Wharton
Here is what some couples have written to me:
“Thanks again for making our wedding so special. We really
appreciated the special effort. Please come and see us whenever you come
to Wisconsin”
– Larry & Shirley (A couple from Wisconsin who traveled to California to be married at the Golden Gate Bridge.)
“Our Wedding was such a happy and joyful occassion thanks to your
planning and personal tourches. Everyone told us what a great ceremony
it was. Thanks again.”
– Susan & Terrance
Anniversary Renewal of Vows
Some couples often find is meaningful in various stages of their marriage or committment to once again affirm their love for each other in a public or private ceremony. I would be honored to be of service to you, if you choose to make such a statement.
Welcoming of Children into the World
Many parents choose to create a ceremony that welcomes a new child into the universe, the world and human family. This can be a very special time and sacred time to celebrate the bursting forth of life and recognizing the community that will be called on to nourish that new life.
As a minister Christian Baptism is also an option.
Funerals and the Celebration of a Life Completed
During the time of dying and preparation of transition into a Greater Life, it is often important to the person and their family and friends to have spiritual and prayer support. I often work with individuals during this stressful time providing a spiritual foundation for the necessary soul work of this sacred passage that needs to be accomplished during the critical time.
I also work with families and friends in planning and creating a meaningful public celebration of the individual’s life. This may take place in a church, mortuary, home, other public meeting space of the great outdoors.
Please feel free to contact me at any time of day to be of assistance to you.
Spiritual Support during Difficult Times
The task of being a caring compassionate individual in this culture is often a difficult spiritual path. There are times when it seems that everything is falling apart and that even God has abandoned you in the time of your greatest need. There may be financial, health, employment, family, relational and or other issues involved and you can’t seem to find the spiritual footing and foundation to face and work through the problems. In times like this I may be of assistance in helping you once again be open to the life giving healing flow of the Spirit. I also may be able to introduce you to community resources minister to people in crisis.
Please call me to explore whether I may be able to be of service to you.
Spiritual Education
As a spiritual educator of over 40 years, I find great joy and satisfaction being present and working with people as they make their spiritual journey through life. I have studied many religious traditions and spiritual systems and would be delighted to share some of what I learned over the years. I am especially versed in nature or creation based spirituality.
Looking for some spiritual education, give me a call or explore this web site that was created for people like you who seek to create a spiritual based life.
Bring a Labyrinth to One of Your Gatherings
Labyrinths have been found in cultures all around the world. They come in various sizes and shapes but they are a useful tools in walking meditation. Labyrinths must be effective because they have been around at least 4000 years. Children, adults, and teens can enjoy a meaningful spiritual experience in walking the sacred path of the labyrinth.
I have access to two different sized labyrinths – 40ft X 40 ft and 20ft X 20 ft – and would be happy to set it up and guide the participants in its use.
Below is a copy of a handout that I give students at San Jose State University when they come to walk the labyrinth and it may generate ideas about ways that you may be able to use the labyrinth in your situation.